The music industry is broken. It's hard for us to turn on my car radio without wanting to puke. There's so little that's original and fresh. Most of what I hear is just "beats" not real music. Melodies are weak. Lyrics are insignificant. The songs are hard to sing along with, if not impossible to remember. Everything sounds so similar. It breaks my heart. I'm sure it breaks yours as well. We need to get back to what's good. We need to get back to a time when just about anything that made you feel something inside got played on the radio. We need to hear from artists who can "connect" with us. We want artists who make us HUNGER for their next album. Remember when you'd go to the record store the day a new record from your favorite artist came out? You'd buy it and rush home to lay prone on your living room floor, listening with the album cover in hand so you could read every lyric and every liner note? You knew the names of every band member. You knew who produced it. You even knew the name of the person who did the string arrangements. Where did it all go wrong? Believe it or not, WE are the problem. We settle for crap, and the music industry feeds us more of it every week. It's hard to put all the blame on the labels. They sign what they think radio will play. Without radio, it's hard to have a hit. Radio plays what we TELL them we like. They diligently survey their listeners, and whatever we tell them we like, they play more of. And because we don't connect with very many artists, the playlists get shorter every year. The new crop of artists have very little to learn from. Very few of today's artists inspire the young bucks that will follow them. Everything has become safe and homogenized. Creativity isn't rewarded, it's shunned. I'm not talking about the kind of creativity that leads to seven minute songs with no clear verse, no discernable chorus, and lyrics that mean nothing to the listeners. I'm talking about the kind of creativity that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The kind that makes you head straight to the record store. When was the last time you heard one of those? Some people have accused TAXI of perpetuating the problem. They point to our listings that request artists who are "a la" other artists and blame us. We don't come up with the requests. Our job is to pass those opportunities along to our members. And because we've got about 9,400 members, we are seeing deals happen more and more frequently. TAXI member Jenna Drey recently landed a deal worth about $300,000 with an indie label. That's a huge indie deal. Huge! She's all the proof I need to know that the most talented artists DO get what they deserve. The more members TAXI has, the more deals get signed. The math is simple. And I know that more of you are out there. A lot more of you. I'm frustrated as hell knowing that some of you reading this are the people who CAN and WILL change this industry for the better. But if you don't raise your hands and tell us who and where you are, how can we help you get your music heard? TAXI needs more great artists and writers. We've reached critical mass, and our industry connections are unbelievably bountiful. We've actually reached the point where we've got more opportunities than we can fill. I'm just as frustrated as you are that the industry keeps signing the same old crapola, but I have hope. Jenna Drey gives me hope. Knowing that some of you reading this are incredibly talented gives me hope. We can't change the industry overnight, but we do represent a ground swell of people who are fed up with the status quo. We can do something about it starting today. I'm not promising miracles. I don't want to mislead you into thinking that it's easy to get signed or have a hit. But it's KILLING me to know that somewhere on this list of 125,000 artists and writers there just have to be some artists and writers who are talented enough to tip the scale back in favor of the hundreds of millions of people who want to hear great music again. What's stopping you from taking the plunge? Are you shy? Are you uncertain of your talent? Is it the $300 a year that it costs to be a member? Hell, you probably spend more than that at Starbucks! What's stopping you from getting serious? I know that all 125,000 of you aren't going to hunker down and do this, but the ten, twenty, fifty or a hundred of you who can change this industry need to quit THINKING about how much the music industry sucks, and join me in doing something about it. Only the serious need www.taxi.com copyright. Let's get back to the days when music was good enough to make you feel passionate. Don't let me down. I know you're out there. Your frustrated friend,
***************************************************** AAA / ALTERNATIVE / MODERN ROCK (also see Americana, Contemporary Christian, Film/TV, Rock, Singer/Songwriter listings) ALTERNATIVE ARTISTS in the range of White Stripes to Jet, The Hives, The Strokes, Luna, etc. etc. sought by Manager of currently breaking Major Label Band who is looking for additional artists to manage. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 19, 2004. Modern POP/ROCK BAND with great songs a la Matchbox Twenty sought by A+R heavyweight at Major Label in New York. Not that you need to sound just like Matchbox, but she asked for a career band who would be able to be launched at Alternative radio, but is capable of crossing over to Pop and reaching a wide audience. The standards are super high for this executive who has signed several major artists. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 20, 2004. POP/ROCK BANDS/ARTISTS a la Maroon 5, Train, Five for Fighting, Matchbox Twenty etc. etc. needed by Director at major music industry publication. They are doing a panel called "Rate-A-Record" where major market radio programmers from across the country will be reviewing songs chosen by this Director. The audience will also get to vote and it is an amazing opportunity to get your music heard by the powers that be in radio. Songs must sound radio-friendly, meaning only songs that are GREAT and fit in today's radio world will be considered. Broadcast quality needed for this--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. Photo and bio, optional. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 25, 2004. MODERN ROCK ARTISTS of a wide variety who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 26, 2004. Song-oriented MODERN POP/ROCK ARTISTS and BANDS in the range of Coldplay to Counting Crows to Train to No Doubt, etc. etc. sought by successful A+R executive at a MAJOR LABEL. This is not to say that you have to sound like these bands, just that you have to have similar qualities such as Star Quality and Marketability, Great Songs, Great Energy, and a major league work ethic. This A+R person is responsible for signing some of the biggest acts in the world, and we will be looking for submissions that are undeniable in their appeal. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 3, 2004. Very credible Indie label with solid distribution looking for Guitar-based ALTERNATIVE ROCK ARTISTS and BANDS that have a unique musical approach a la The Strokes, White Stripes, Hives, Fountains Of Wayne, etc. They like to license and distribute finished cds, therefore master quality is necessary for this one. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 7, 2004. Modern POP/ROCK/AAA SONGS in the range of Sheryl Crow, Jason Mraz, Sarah McLachlan, Five For Fighting, etc. etc. needed by President of Music Library/Publishing Company for potential placement in film and TV. Performances should be broadcast quality (great sounding home demos are fine). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs--no samples that require clearance, please. Submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 8, 2004. MODERN ROCK SONGS a la Matchbox Twenty's "Unwell", Lifehouse's "Hanging by a Moment", Counting Crow's "Round Here", etc. etc. wanted by well-connected manager for a male-fronted Modern Rock band. The band has label interest, a star singer, a huge following and a large regional sales and radio story. They do not want album cuts! They are looking for songs that are out-of-the-box, one-listen tracks, a "hit" that will make you react upon the first listen. Meaning, the lyrics and melody are everything. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 10, 2004. Modern ALT-ROCK SONGS in the range of Jet, White Stripes, The Strokes, etc. needed by President of Music Library/Publishing Company for potential placement in film and TV. Performances should be broadcast quality (great sounding home demos are fine). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs--no samples that require clearance, please. Submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 14, 2004. The Very Best Unsigned MODERN ROCK ARTISTS and BANDS of a wide variety being sought by top Satellite Radio company for their "Unsigned" show. This is a national show that will give you great exposure. For this listing, think of a range encompassing Radiohead to Matchbox Twenty to Foo Fighters, to No Doubt, etc. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 14, 2004. Young, Harder MODERN ROCK BANDS in the range of Staind, Incubus, Creed, etc. etc. sought by Manager of currently breaking Major Label Band. Great songs and image needed. Must be playing live--no studio-only projects. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 16, 2004. ALT-POP BANDS in the wide range of the White Stripes to Jet to Fountains of Wayne, etc. etc. sought by Director of A+R at Major Label. He is looking for bands--not solo artists, and he wants some edge and power. You don't have to sound like the bands above, but you've gotta rock, and you've gotta have killer songs. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 17, 2004. MODERN GARAGE ROCK BANDS in the general range of Jet, the Vines and The Yeah Yeah Yeah's, etc. wanted by Sr. Director of A+R at New York office of Major Label. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 18, 2004. Eclectic MODERN ROCK ARTISTS and BANDS in the range of Queens of The Stone Age, The Melvins, Cornelius, Buffalo Daughter, etc. with a good live show and some kind of existing following sought by Up and Coming Agent at Major Booking Agency. This is a huge agency that represents some of the biggest names in the biz--for them to take on an unsigned act, you'll have to already have some action going on, as well as be great, of course. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 21, 2004. POP/ROCK SONGS with an emphasis on "Rock" sought by manager of new teen female artist recently signed to an indie label with large independent distributor. They are interested in hearing a wide range of material from Pink (especially a la her new song "Trouble") all the way to Good Charlotte. "No R+B-type POP" they said. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 23, 2004. ADULT ALTERNATIVE POP/ROCK ARTISTS a la Maroon 5 or Matchbox Twenty, etc. sought by Sr. VP of A+R in the Los Angeles office of a Major Label. Artists should be edgy and young as well as VERY song oriented. A strong following doesn't hurt either. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 28, 2004. FEMALE POP/ROCK SONGS a la Michelle Branch, Liz Phair, Jewel, etc.etc. needed by exclusive, NY "boutique" audio post-production facility. They are starting a catalog of library music to pitch for TV placement and work with some of the biggest networks in cable television. Broadcast quality needed--great-sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 29, 2004. ALTERNATIVE ROCK BANDS in the ranges of The Hives, White Stripes, Jet Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, etc. etc. sought by Powerful Industry Veteran who has worn many hats, and is now turning to management. To be forwarded you will need truly great songs, good looks, and a "story"--the industry word for making things happen for yourself, i.e. regional touring and record sales, a fan base, radio play, etc. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 30, 2004. Modern, song-oriented POP/ROCK ARTISTS in the vein of Train, Matchbox Twenty, No Doubt, etc. etc. with your own releases and a regional buzz sought by President of MAJOR AFFILIATED LABEL with Management and Publishing divisions. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 7, 2004. MODERN ROCK/POP SONGS a la Train, No Doubt, Matchbox Twenty etc. etc. needed by exclusive, NY "boutique" audio post-production facility. They are starting a catalog of library music to pitch for TV placement and work with some of the biggest networks in cable television. Broadcast quality needed--great-sounding home demos will be fine.Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 13, 2004. (also see Country, Hard to Classify, Singer/Songwriter listings) Acoustic-based AMERICANA SONGS in the range of Lucinda Williams, Jack Johnson, Wilco, etc. etc. needed by President of Music Library/Publishing Company for potential placement in film and TV. Performances should be broadcast quality (great sounding home demos are fine). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs--no samples that require clearance, please. Submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 24, 2004. Very credible Indie label with solid distribution looking for edgy and literate AMERICANA SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la Lucinda Williams, Gillian Welch, Jayhawks, Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, etc. They need songs for compilation cds of unsigned artists and might also offer an artist deal if the submission is compelling enough. Please submit two to three songs per cassette/CD, include lyrics, photo and bio. All tapes will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 25, 2004. "Old School" BLUES SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS in the range of Buddy Guy to BB King (Chicago Blues especially welcome) to "Hendrix' Band of Gypsies jam -type stuff" sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 2, 2004. (also see Country listings) Outstanding CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN POP SONGWRITERS sought by Powerful Industry Veteran now at a major publishing company. He wants writers whose songs are good enough to be cut by today's CCM artists in the range of Jaci Velasquez to Point of Grace to Michael W. Smith to Stacie Orrico, etc. etc. Note that this listing is looking for SONGWRITERS as opposed to just individual songs. This means that your songs will need to be consistently good, and that they have solid commercial appeal and application to artists who cut outside songs. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 20, 2004. CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MALE ARTIST ranging from Michael W. Smith to Charlie Peacock and everything in between (this is an intentionally wide range, as they are basically looking for extraordinary talent) sought by former CCMA (Canadian Music Awards) Producer of the Year for development and a "full-blown production deal" tied to a Major Publishing company. He is working closely with a former CCMA "Song of the Year" winner on this and they are open to artists inside and outside of Canada. If you are outside of Canada, traveling and lodging expenses will be covered. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 27, 2004. Modern Contemporary Christian POP/ROCK BANDS in the vein of Jars of Clay, DC Talk, etc. etc. wanted by A+R Director at Major Christian Label. Lyrics can be overtly Christian or "crossover." Songs must be fantastic. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 10, 2004. Modern Contemporary Christian POP/R+B ARTISTS and GROUPS in the vein of Destiny's Child, Beyonce, Craig David, Ashanti, etc. etc. wanted by A+R Director at Major Christian Label. Lyrics can be overtly Christian or "crossover." Songs must be fantastic. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 22, 2004. Modern CHRISTIAN ALTERNATIVE ROCK BANDS in the general style of U2 to Coldplay to Third Eye Blind, etc. etc. sought by Director of A+R for Major Christian Label. Lyrics can be overtly Christian but don't have to be. He has asked us to be extremely selective. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette or online, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 23, 2004. Mainstream, uptempo, COUNTRY SONGS for a female star a la LEE ANN WOMACK or the countrier side of FAITH HILL needed by superstar producer. Uptempos only. Please submit one song online or per cassette/CD, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened on a Yes/No Basis only--- NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 17, 2004. Mid and Uptempo, "Redneck Rock n' Roll" COUNTRY SONGS for a new father/son duo sought by Director of A+R at MAJOR NASHVILLE LABEL. Think Travis Tritt meets Lynyrd Skynrd while keeping Country radio in mind. Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 19, 2004. "Heartfelt, Soulful"COUNTRY SONGS with great lyrics needed by Senior Director of A+R at MAJOR NASHVILLE LABEL for a new male artist a la BUDDY JEWELL. Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 21, 2004. Mainstream COUNTRY SONGS (i.e. a mixture of Pop and Country) with a little bit of soul a la JENNIFER HANSON, REBECCA LYNN HOWARD needed by VP of A+R at Major Nashville Label for a successful female artist. All tempos. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 31, 2004. Contemporary Male COUNTRY SONGS in the range of Kenny Chesney to Keith Urban, etc. etc. sought by Independent publisher to represent for placement in film and TV. You must control 100% of master and publishing rights and please, no samples that need clearance. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 1, 2004. Traditional MALE CANADIAN COUNTRY ARTIST a la Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley, Joe Nichols, etc. sought by former CCMA (Canadian Country Music Awards) Producer of the Year for development and a "full-blown production deal" tied to a Major Publishing company. He is working closely with a former CCMA "Song of the Year" winner on this and wants a "killer" country singer. Outstanding vocals are what they're looking for. OK to submit covers for this. Excellent songwriting is a big plus. You must be from Canada to submit to this listing. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 2, 2004. COUNTRY ARTISTS of a wide variety who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 3, 2004. BLUEGRASS ARTISTS/BANDS sought by well-established Independent Label to do Bluegrass-style covers of well-known (non-Bluegrasss) artists' songs as part of a successful series of releases. The next artist to get the Bluegrass treatment will be Dire Straits--so if you want to submit a bluegrass Dire Straits cover, please do--but feel free to submit anything that shows off your pickin' chops. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 9, 2004. Contemporary Female COUNTRY SONGS in the range of Martina McBride to Jessica Andrews, etc. etc. sought by Independent publisher to represent for placement in film and TV. You must control 100% of master and publishing rights and please, no samples that need clearance. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June11, 2004. Mainstream COUNTRY SONGS ( i.e. a mixture of Traditional Country and Pop Country) for a Female Country Star a la TERRI CLARK/PATTY LOVELESS needed by huge Nashville producer. Please submit one song per CD/cassette/online, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 14, 2004. Uptempo COUNTRY BLUES SONGS "with attitude" needed by Director of A+R at Major Label for a new female artist. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 15, 2004. Female CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY HITS suitable for today's female Country Superstars a la Faith Hill, Martina McBride, Lee Ann Womack sought by Independent Publisher with several major label cuts including a hit single right now. She wants radio hits and asked us to be very picky. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 30, 2004. MALE CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY HITS suitable for today's male Country Superstars a la Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, etc. sought by Independent Publisher with several major label cuts including a hit single right now. She wants radio hits and asked us to be very picky. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 9. 2004. MALE MAINSTREAM to TRADTIONAL COUNTRY HITS suitable for today's male Country Superstars a la Alan Jackson, Brad Paisley etc. sought by Independent Publisher with several major label cuts including a hit single right now. She wants radio hits and asked us to be very picky. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyrics. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 21. 2004. (also see AAA/Alternative, Film/TV, Pop, Rock listings) Dance/Chill Out ELECTRONICA INSTRUMENTALS a la Zero 7, Orb, Air etc. etc....sought by #1 rated Tennis Camp in the United States for a new promotional video. Compositions should be at least two minutes in length. They specifically do not want techno or anything too aggressive--and definitely no samples allowed. Artists will be compensated if material is used in the video. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 18, 2004. Outstanding ELECTRONICA ARTISTS with major hooks and mass appeal a la Moby, Fat Boy Slim, Chemical Bros. etc. etc. MAJOR LABEL A+R Scout (working directly with a high-level executive). He asked for artists that don't need development--he needs stuff that is going to be obvious when he takes it in to his demanding boss. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette or online, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 21, 2004. ELECTRONICA SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS in the range of Fat Boy Slim, DJ Shadow, etc. etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 4, 2004. ELECTRONICA ARTISTS with commercial radio possibilities in the range of Morcheeba, Moby, Dido, Chemical Bros, Crystal Method, Massive Attack, etc. (no Rave, House or Dance/Pop please) sought by Manager of currently breaking Major Label Band. Great songs and image needed. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 29, 2004. (also see all other listings) REGGAE and SKA SONGS ranging from Bob Marley, Sly + Robbie, and Peter Tosh to Shabba Ranks, Shaggy, No Doubt, and Sublime, etc. are needed by the Music Supervisor for a new "women-only extreme sports show" [similar to Fox Sports' "54321"] being produced for DirecTV's 5 million subscribers. 12 episodes have been ordered, and each episode will be re-played about 25 times throughout 2004. Male or female vocals are OK. Please do not submit tracks with unclearable samples or profanity. Songs with great hooks are a must. They've recently run listings with us and now want to have more material on hand as the show has been picked up for another season. They are offering $100 per licensed song. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # D040401RG. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 19, 2004. POP/PUNK SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS a la Blink 182, A Simple Plan, Green Day, etc. etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 1, 2004. INDIE ROCK SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS in the range of The White Stripes to The Hives, etc. etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 1, 2004. "Eclectic, Funky, Downtempo" SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS in the range of Jamiroquai, North Mississippi All Stars, Galactic, etc. etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 8, 2004. Brand new internet radio station playing "recovery-related music" seeks songs about experience, strength and hope related to 12-step recovery, or songs of a spiritual nature. Please do not submit instrumentals, Christian, ACC or religious songs. Here's a direct quote: "The music that we play is a mixture of Rock, Folk and Folk Rock, Country and Country Rock, Americana, etc. The main idea is that the message has something to do with what it was like, what happened, and what it's like now." Broadcast quality needed--great-sounding home demos are fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. Please include the following for each writer involved with the song: song title, writers' name(s), phone numbers, email addresses, PRO affiliation (if a member of ASCAP, BMI or SESAC, or specify "no affiliation"), and name and email of person making the submission. If the song is available for purchase on a CD, also include CD title, artist, and website URL where CD may be purchased. All songs forwarded will receive an email confirmation that they have been received by the station's A+R department. Those chosen for airplay will also be notified as songs are added to the station's playlist. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 27, 2004. Major Guitar Manufacturer looking for a "FEMALE SHREDDER"--bands with a female electric Rock guitar or bass player with killer chops--for a full endorsement deal, including free guitars and a presence in national advertising. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 28, 2004. FUNNY SONGS BY, FOR, and/or ABOUT LOSERS (you know who you are) needed by new independent label with a (good) unique marketing and distribution plan for a series of comedy gift CD's. Musically, songs can range from Pop, Rock, R+B, Rap, Country, Blues, Folk, Jazz, etc. though they are NOT interested in Hard Metal songs. "No harder than say, Blink 182" was their limit. No foul language, please, but raunchy concepts would probably be ok. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos are fine. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than June 24, 2004. FUNNY SONGS about VICES in general needed by new independent label with a (good) unique marketing and distribution plan for a series of comedy gift CD's. Musically, songs can range from Pop, Rock, R+B, Rap, Country, Blues, Folk, Jazz, etc. though they are NOT interested in Hard Metal songs. "No harder than say, Blink 182" was their limit. No foul language, please, but raunchy concepts would probably be ok. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos are fine. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than July 2, 2004. FAKE or PARODY OPERA or CLASSICAL SONGS needed by new independent label with a (good) unique marketing and distribution plan for a series of comedy gift CD's. Mostly interested in vocals, but they're willing to listen to instrumentals, as well, if you can find a way to make it funny. Can be parodies of public domain material or original compositions. No foul language, please, but raunchy concepts would probably be ok. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos are fine. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than July 5, 2004. (also see all other listings) MOODY, ATMOSPHERIC INSTRUMENTALS sought by President of Music Library/Publishing Company for potential placement in "Reality Shows" on TV. He said to "watch Survivor, The Apprentice, America's Next Top Model, and all the others from Network to Cable to PBS, and emulate and innovate what you hear." Performances should be broadcast quality (great sounding home demos are fine). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs--no samples that require clearance, please. Submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 18, 2004. New York-based Production Music Library/Publisher looking for master quality CORPORATE/INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTALS for use in corporate videos, TV, film, radio, and commercial productions. Positive-sounding tracks that evoke intensity, productivity, victory, and pride. Prominent melodies not required. Please submit one to three pieces online or per CD/cassette, 60 seconds to 4 minutes is the recommended length for this pitch. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 18, 2004. JAZZ INSTRUMENTALS in the vein of Traditional Jazz artists such as John Coltrane, Stan Getz, Wynton Marsalis, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, etc., sought by Independent publisher to represent for placement in film and TV. You must control 100% of master and publishing rights and please, no samples that need clearance. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 25, 2004. Contemporary, straight-ahead JAZZ INSTRUMENTALS a la Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Oscar Peterson, etc. etc. sought by President of Music Library/Publishing Company looking for potential placement in TV, Motion Picture, Commercials, etc. Broadcast quality needed--excellent home demos are OK., Songs must be 100% owned and controlled by writer. No covers. No samples that require clearance, please. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD. Photo/bio optional. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 16, 2004. LATIN-flavored R+B/HIP HOP SONGS with sung vocals--not Raps--where Latin is the main theme with R+B and Hip Hop undercurrents--are needed by Successful Music Publishers with extensive film and TV Placements. He loves big, radio-style hooks. You must be able to create :15, :30 + :60 second versions in your own professional sounding studio, if asked. No samples that require clearance, please. Broadcast quality needed--he's a stickler for excellent production. Please submit one to three tracks per CD/cassette/online. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by a representative of the company and must be received no later than May 26, 2004. LATIN-flavored RAP SONGS needed by Successful Music Publishers with extensive film and TV Placements. He loves big, radio-style hooks. You must be able to create :15, :30 + :60 second versions in your own professional sounding studio, if asked. No samples that require clearance, please. Broadcast quality needed--he's a stickler for excellent production. Please submit one to three tracks per CD/cassette/online. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by a representative of the company and must be received no later than June 4, 2004. Regional MEXICAN SONGS sought by President of Major Latin Label for possible recording by their artists. Mariachi, Ranchera, Norteno, Conjunto, Tejano, etc. Spanish lyrics only. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All songs will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 9, 2004. Regional MEXICAN ARTISTS sought by President of Major Latin Label for possible recording by their artists. Mariachi, Ranchera, Norteno, Conjunto, Tejano, etc. Spanish lyrics only. He wants us to be very selective about what gets forwarded. Please note: this company is also running listing # S040609MX looking for songs--this one is requesting performing artists. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All songs will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 8, 2004. (also see AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock, Contemporary Christian, Film/TV, Latin, R+B, Singer/Songwriter, listings) POP ARTISTS/BANDS ranging from Justin Timberlake to Mariah Carey to the Backstreet Boys to Christina Aguilera to Madonna to the Corrs, etc. being sought by the President of a newly formed Production Company/Record Label [he is a former major label Senior VP of A+R whose projects have collectively sold over 40 million records worldwide]. He wants to find new artists that will become the "cornerstones" of his new company's roster. He's looking to sign and develop artists that will be successful for years to come--he doesn't want "one-hit wonders" or "flash-in-the-pans." Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 17, 2004. Young POP ARTISTS in the range of Justin Timberlake, Jessica Simpson, Clay Aiken, Christina Aguilera, etc. sought by A+R guy at new, well-funded, indie label. Teens to early 20's ok. Great vocals and looks important. Great songwriting is a bonus. Ok to submit covers for this. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 18, 2004. "Sophisticated" POP SONGS with a Bossa Nova/World Beat influence a la a cross between Astrud Gilberto [famous for "The Girl From Ipanema"] and Sade still being sought by independent PRODUCER working with a popular RUSSIAN FEMALE ARTIST. He even mentioned that contemporary Jazz songs similar to Norah Jones may work--but in a Bossa Nova style. He needs the songs to be "eclectic" and laid-back like "Euro-Lounge." Lyrically, he wants material with "sophisticated imagery." Simple love songs will not suffice. This is the artist's second independent release with international distribution. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # D040301SP. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 20, 2004. HOT A/C FEMALE POP/ROCK SONGS a la Dido, Sarah McLachlan, Paula Cole, etc. etc. needed by Director at major music industry publication. They are doing a panel called "Rate-A-Record" where major market radio programmers from across the country will be reviewing songs chosen by this Director. The audience will also get to vote and it is an amazing opportunity to get your music heard by the powers that be in radio. Songs must sound radio-friendly, meaning only songs that are GREAT and fit in today's radio world will be considered. Broadcast quality needed for this--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. Photo and bio, optional. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 24, 2004. "Superstar" quality female POP ARTISTS in the vein of Alicia Keys to Beyonce to Gwen Stefani sought by Director of A+R at West Coast office at huge Major Label. What do these artists have in common? They are all instantly recognizable, visually and musically. They succeed at the top of the Pop charts and are popular in more than one radio format. Great songs, marketable image are absolutely necessary for this one. He has asked us to be extremely selective. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 28, 2004. POP ARTISTS of a wide variety who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 9, 2004. POP ARTISTS and BANDS in the range of Hillary Duff to Christina Aguilera, Robbie Williams to Justin Timberlake, etc. with a solid and firmly established fan base sought by member of super-successful management company with platinum clients. Great songwriting and unique vocal quality are also extremely important. They've asked us to be very selective about what gets forwarded. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 10, 2004. POP ARTISTS that fit in today's radio world a la Hillary Duff to Jessica Simpson, Justin Timberlake to Clay Aiken, etc. etc. sought by regional A+R Rep from a mega-Major label. Marketable image is very important. Great songwriting is a plus, but it's ok to submit covers for this listing. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 15, 2004. Uptempo POP DANCE SONGS with great groove a la Justin Timberlake to Robbie Williams, etc. still needed by Hit Record Producer for young, unsigned, male singer with teen appeal to be recorded and released on an indie CD. Lyrics should have a sexy lyrical edge, big chorus, and great dance feel (without being disco). No bubblegum. No hip hop or ballads. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # Y040115PO. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than June 22, 2004. New, original POP STANDARDS in the style of "lounge" standards a la Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, Peggy Lee, Rosemary Clooney, Sammy Davis, Jr., Mel Torme etc. etc.sought by new independent label with good distribution. Please submit one song online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than July 19, 2004. PUNK ROCK SONGS ranging from the Ramones, the Clash, and Rancid to Green Day, the Muffs, and Blink-182 [and everything in between] are needed by the Music Supervisor for a new "women-only extreme sports show" [similar to Fox Sports' "54321"] being produced for DirecTV's 5 million subscribers. 12 episodes have been ordered, and each episode will be re-played about 25 times throughout 2004. Male or female vocals are OK. Please do not submit tracks with unclearable samples or profanity. Songs with great hooks are a must. They've recently run listings with us and now want to have more material on hand as the show has been picked up for another season. They are offering $100 per licensed song. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # D040401PK. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 24, 2004. Modern PUNK/POP SONGS in the range of Offspring, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, etc. needed by President of Music Library/Publishing Company for potential placement in film and TV. Performances should be broadcast quality (great sounding home demos are fine). You must control the publishing and master rights to your songs--no samples that require clearance, please. Submit one to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 2, 2004. Young PUNK BANDS with hooky melodic songwriting who are able to tour sought by President of well-known independent punk label. From OC Sound a la The Vandals, Offspring to Blink 182 and Sum 41, etc. etc. He likes bands that are up and running and have a great work ethic. Boundless energy required. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 16, 2004. R+B and SOUL/URBAN ARTISTS/BANDS ranging from Destiny's Child to Prince, to Usher to Macy Gray to Mary J. Blige are being sought after by the President of a newly formed Production Company/Record Label [he is a former major label Senior VP of A+R whose projects have collectively sold over 40 million records worldwide]. He wants to find new artists that will become the "cornerstones" of his new company's roster. He's looking to sign and develop artists that will be successful for years to come--he doesn't want "one-hit wonders" or "flash-in-the-pans." Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 8, 2004. R+B/URBAN ARTISTS of a wide variety who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 16, 2004. POP/R+B SONGS in the range of Luther Vandross to Phil Collins, (a wide range, indeed) etc. sought by Grammy-nominated Producer for male R+B singer who was once with a major group and now has a solo European record deal. All tempos ok. Demos can be male or female. Please submit one to three songs per CD/cassette/online, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 17, 2004. UPTEMPO R+B SONGS with a street edge, a la Amerie, Tweet, Alicia Keyes etc. etc. needed by VP of A+R in the Urban Division of Major, Major Label. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 21, 2004. CONTEMPORARY, SOULFUL R+B/NEO-SOUL SONGS, a la Vivian Green, Jill Scott, Heather Headley etc. etc. needed by VP of A+R in the Urban Division of Major, Major Label. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 25, 2004. Unique, Eclectic R+B/POP ARTISTS a la Macy Gray, Erykah Badu, India.Arie etc. etc., sought by Sr. VP of A+R in the Los Angeles office of a Major Label. Artists should have GREAT songs that make a statement. A strong following doesn't hurt either. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 20, 2004.
(also see Film/TV, Instrumental, Pop, R+B listings) RAP and HIP HOP SONGS ranging from Black Eyed Peas, the Roots and Outkast to Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Nate Dogg, and Nelly [and everything in between] are needed by the Music Supervisor for a new "women-only extreme sports show" [similar to Fox Sports' "54321"] being produced for DirecTV's 5 million subscribers. 12 episodes have been ordered, and each episode will be re-played about 25 times throughout 2004. Male or female vocals are OK. Please do not submit tracks with unclearable samples or profanity. Songs with great hooks are a must. They've recently run listings with us and now want to have more material on hand as the show has been picked up for another season. They are offering $100 per licensed song. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # D040401HH. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 20, 2004. Outstanding RAP / HIP HOP ARTISTS sought by Senior Vice President of A+R at MAJOR LABEL. He is looking for artists with a cutting-edge sound, people who will be in the next wave of successful Hip Hop artists. Jay-Z, Eminem, Ludacris, Chingy and 50 Cent are current examples, but what is "current" changes rapidly in the Rap world. Production is a factor in this listing, as it helps define the currentness of your sound. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 21, 2004. RAP and HIP HOP ARTISTS who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 24, 2004. RAP and HIP HOP ARTISTS/BANDS ranging from Outkast to Eminem to Jay-Z to the Roots to Missy Elliott to Snoop Dogg are being sought after by the President of a newly formed Production Company/Record Label [he is a former major label Senior VP of A+R whose projects have collectively sold over 40 million records worldwide]. He wants to find new artists that will become the "cornerstones" of his new company's roster. He's looking to sign artists that will be successful for years to come--he doesn't want "one-hit wonders" or "flash-in-the-pans." Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 27, 2004. HIP HOP SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS in the range of The Neptunes, Outkast, etc. etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 7, 2004. Lyrically-driven, East Coast-style RAP ARTISTS a la NAS, JAY-Z, Biggie Smalls, etc. etc sought by Director of A+R at Large New York Independent label with multi-platinum artists on the roster. He asked for artists that were "lyrically driven, not beat driven." Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 28, 2004. DIRTY SOUTH RAP TRACKS, a la Killer Mike, Bone Crusher, Goodie Mob etc. etc. sought by VP of A+R in the Urban Division of Major, Major Label. NO VOCALS. These are background tracks needed for major rap artist. Production is going to be very important for this pitch. Please submit one to three tracks online or per CD/cassette, include bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 1, 2004. RAP and HIP HOP ARTISTS with excellent hooks that fit in today's radio world a la Eminem, Chingy, 50 Cent, Mary J. Blige, Outkast, etc. sought by A+R Rep from a mega-Major label. Great songs and marketable image are very important. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 12, 2004. HIP-HOP PRODUCERS a la The Track Boyz, P.Diddy, Timbaland, etc. etc. sought by VP of A+R in the Urban Division of Major, Major Label. Compositions should showcase progressive drums and bass and should have big hooks. They should be innovative and need to be strong in the clubs--you gotta be able to dance to it! Obviously, production is a big factor here. Please submit two to three tracks online or per CD/cassette, include bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 15, 2004. (also see AAA/Alternative/Modern Rock, Film/TV, Hard to Classify, Instrumental, Pop, Punk, Singer/Songwriter, listings) Harder ROCK BANDS/ARTISTS in the range of Staind, Disturbed, Tool to Linkin Park, Crazy Town, etc. etc. with a good local/regional fan base wanted by Senior Director of A+R at Super-Hot Major Label. They want us to be extremely selective for this one. You'll need to have it all going on: songs, image, following, work ethic, etc. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 17, 2004. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HARD ROCK ARTISTS who are looking for distribution for their finished product sought by Production Company with connections to new, well-funded distribution company run by industry veterans. You must have finished product, an established fan base, and be touring regionally. What does this company bring to the table, you might ask? They have distribution available with several of the largest retail chains in the country, and intend to help take the product to radio, as well. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 25, 2004. HARD ROCK SONGS ranging from Slipknot, Rage Against The Machine, and Korn to Queens Of The Stone Age, Linkin Park, and Audioslave [and everything in between] are needed by the Music Supervisor for a new "women-only extreme sports show" [similar to Fox Sports' "54321"] being produced for DirecTV's 5 million subscribers. 12 episodes have been ordered, and each episode will be re-played about 25 times throughout 2004. Male or female vocals are OK. Please do not submit tracks with unclearable samples or profanity. Songs with great hooks are a must. They've recently run listings with us and now want to have more material on hand as the show has been picked up for another season. They are offering $100 per licensed song. No need to submit material that was forwarded to listing # D040401HR. Broadcast quality needed--Great sounding home recordings are just fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 31, 2004. ROCK SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS with "heavy sounds/beats" in the range of STUN to Rage Against the Machine to Nine Inch Nails to Omid, etc., etc. sought by Music Supervisor for new "Urban Exploration" show to air on the Discovery Channel. First episodes will be shot in Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo and Baltimore so songs referencing those cities or neighborhoods within -- or music that captures the sound of the cities will get extra consideration. But mentioning those cities is not required. Broadcast quality needed--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets (if applicable). All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 3, 2004. ROCK BANDS that are able to "push the envelope--yet still be accessible" sought by Director of A+R at very big Indie Label with multi-platinum artists. He asked for "intelligent. thought-out artists" and mentioned Janes Addiction and System Of A Down as examples of this type of spirit. Band members under 30, and a good amount of regional touring under your belt are big plusses. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 15, 2004. HARD MODERN ROCK BANDS a la Linkin Park to A Perfect Circle to Queens Of The Stone Age, etc. etc. sought by President of MAJOR AFFILIATED LABEL with Management and Publishing divisions. He is looking for bands who have their own releases and already have a buzz being created. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 24, 2004. HARD ROCK BANDS with excellent songs that fit in today's radio world a la Incubus to Nickelback, Audioslave to Linkin Park, etc. etc. sought by regional A+R Rep from a mega-Major label. Great songs and marketable image are very important. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 29, 2004.
(also see AAA/Modern Rock, Americana, Country listings) SINGER-SONGWRITER PIANISTS a la a modern-day Billy Joel and Carole King sought by Artist Management firm in New York City with an established client base (especially in film and TV) and major label and publishing contacts. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 26, 2004. MALE POP/ROCK SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la John Mayer, Dave Matthews, Jason Mraz etc. etc. needed by Director at major music industry publication. They are doing a panel called "Rate-A-Record" where major market radio programmers from across the country will be reviewing songs chosen by this Director. The audience will also get to vote and it is an amazing opportunity to get your music heard by the powers that be in radio. Songs must sound radio-friendly, meaning only songs that are GREAT and fit in today's radio world will be considered. Broadcast quality needed for this--great sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. Photo and bio, optional. All submissions will be screened by TAXI on a YES/NO BASIS ONLY--NO CRITIQUES FROM TAXI. PLEASE ENCLOSE A S.A.S.E (with ground submissions) IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE. As always, we will notify those forwarded. Submissions must be received no later than May 26, 2004. Modern POP/ROCK SINGER/SONGWRITERS with fantastic songwriting a la Pete Yorn, Elliott Smith, David Gray, Sheryl Crow, etc. sought by Director of A+R at Major Label Amazing songwriting and vocals are crucially important. A solid fan base is a good thing, too. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than May 21, 2004. Outstanding, Pop/Rock SINGER/SONGWRITERS in the range of John Mayer to Sarah McLachlan, Pete Yorn to Sheryl Crow , etc. etc. wanted by Sr. Director of A+R at New York office of Major Label. Excellent songwriting is crucial. Please submit two to three songs, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 11, 2004. SINGER/SONGWRITERS who are amazing storytellers sought by Creative Director in the East Coast office of a Major Publisher. Think in the vein of Steve Earle, Beck or Maria McKee. All different sounds but the common thread is that they are very literate in their lyrics and have excellent melodies to further enhance them. Furthermore, he wants artists that are already on their way--meaning selling impressive amounts of your own CDs, have a solid live performance and are touring, AND have built up a fan base that stands on it's own. Please submit two to three songs per CD/cassette or online, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than June 25, 2004. MALE SINGER-SONGWRITERS a la Ryan Adams, Pete Yorn, David Gray, etc.etc. needed by exclusive, NY "boutique" audio post-production facility. They are starting a catalog of library music to pitch for TV placement and work with some of the biggest networks in cable television. Broadcast quality needed--great-sounding home demos will be fine. Please submit one to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 5, 2004. MODERN ROCK/POP SINGER/SONGWRITERS from Pete Yorn to Ryan Adams to Michelle Branch, etc. etc. with a good live show and some kind of existing following sought by up and coming agent at Major Booking Agency. This is a huge agency that represents some of the biggest names in the biz--for them to take on an unsigned act, you'll have to already have some action going on, as well as be great, of course. Please submit two to three songs online or per CD/cassette, include lyric sheets, photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI and must be received no later than July 6, 2004. |