





Nanyana Summer has been crooning as long as she can remember and has been
writing songs since she was eleven and taught herself to play guitar at
fifteen. Being from a military family, Summer traveled quite a bit, often
listening to her Dad's constant Sade and Mom's favorite Thai jams. Her
main influences include: Chris Cornell, 311, Stone Temple Pilots,
Jamiroquai and Sarah Vaughn. Nanyana loves the deep lyrics and amazing
vocals of Chris Cornell and Sade, then Jamiroquai inspires the desire to be
free in the funk, plus Sarah Vaughn draws out the soul to sing like an
angel. Summer's aggressive side relates to the groove and metal of 311 and
Summer got an opportunity to co-write with Arrested Development's own
Speech and is grateful for the advice and encouragement she has received
from him. She is also extremely grateful for what she has in her
band-mates. "There is such a tremendous amount of talent in these guys."
With Jason Reichert's Blues influencing guitars, Todd Damian's Police and Seal
on drums, Jean-Claude Le Blanc's Heavy Metal favorites
on Bass and Chris Elvis's Yes and Seventy's influence flavor on keyboards, these guys
have influences aplenty. "I love the diversity contained in our sound. Each song holds the flavor of
all our favorite avenues of music.
We all come from different aspects of
life, yet are unified by our love to create music." Summer's first band,
"NANYANA", is named for her, and she is confident it will be her only band.
"I couldn't imagine sharing this work, this road, this dream with anyone
else, blood, sweat, tears and all!"



